Started January 18, 2020
Olive oil can be fruity, grassy or reminiscent of olives with more or less evident floral notes, or that are more or less spicy, pungent or bitter.
Read moreOlive oil can be fruity, grassy or reminiscent of olives with more or less evident floral notes, or that are more or less spicy, pungent or bitter.
Read moreThe Mediterranean diet is a symbol of sociality and one of the most sustainable nutrition models both for the environment and for health
Read moreQuality doesn’t just mean low acidity, because an oil can have low acidity but feel rough to the taste, or even be defective.
Read moreOrigin alone is not a guarantee of quality, because olive oil is good when it’s made well.
Read moreElfa Oils © 2024. All rights reserved. POWERED BY IMPLUTO